A better way tobuild habits
Accomplish your goals and create habits that last. A simple way to build and keep your momentum.
Habits for the rest of us
We all know people that seem to have more discipline and will-power than us mortals. When they decide to begin doing something, nothing seems to stop them.
Well, that's not me. Building habits takes me so much effort, and I'd often fall off the wagon before the habit had really stuck. I made large commitments, and put lots of energy towards the new habit, and then I would run out of steam in a few short weeks.
That all changed when I started focusing on smaller amounts of effort, displaced over more time. When you apply force in the same direction, repeatedly — you start to build momentum.
Mmentum is all about building and harnessing that momentum. Momentum is the agent of change.
I'm hoping Mmentum can help many other people like me. If that interests you, drop your email in the box and I'll keep you informed of my progress :)
— Creator, James Baldwin